Total: 13

HTML Language code List


Html input form shows image before uploads

Html input form shows image before uploads
Html input form shows image before uploads
Facebook Google Twitter social media tags for social sharing

Facebook Google Twitter social media tags for social sharing

Facebook Google Twitter social media tags for social sharing
Facebook share, Google share post, Twitter card, social media tags,html, for social sharing,

tinymce responsive

This tuttorial explains how to make images,tables etc. responsive in tinymce html editor
tinymce responsive,html,web editor,example,responsive image, responsive table,mobile

jquery get form value by selection or by attr function


jQuery change select form by value


Enter key on html form submission


php - html


jQuery $ trim form value before submit


How to prevent form submission by pressing enter key


Formcat, PHP, Smarty plug-in for client side form validation


jQuery clear form function


How to install vQmod and vQmod manager ?
